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Board Members

The Montgomery County School Board is composed of seven members who represent each of the seven voting districts in Montgomery County.

District Maps and Descriptions - This link will take you to the District Map and Descriptions for the Montgomery County Board of Supervisors.  School Board members are zoned in the same districts as the Board of Supervisors.

Board meeting information and agendas can be found online here

District A

Board Member: Linwood Hudson, Chair


Social:  facebook/linwoodhudson4schoolboard

Term Expires: 2025. First term began in 2022.

Board Assignments: Southwest Virginia Governor's School, Board of Supervisors Liaison

Career: Software Engineer

Education: Graduate of Virginia Tech

Family: Wife, Kristy, son and daughter

District B

Board Member: Penny Franklin


Phone: (540) 230-3701

Term Expires: 2027. First term began in 2000.

Career: Employed by Hubbell Lighting

Education: Graduate of Christiansburg High School

Family: One daughter and one son

District C

Board Member: Dana M. Partin


Term Expires: 2025. First term began in 2018.

Board Assignments: VSBA Voting Delegate, Town of Christiansburg Liaison

Education: Graduate of Christiansburg High School

Family: Husband, Hank, and one daughter

District D

Board Member: Jamie Bond


Term Expires: 2025. First term began in 2005.

Board Assignments: Town of Christiansburg Liaison

Career: Owner/Operator at Old Town Barber

Education: Graduate of Christiansburg High School

Family: Husband, Wendell, two sons and one daughter

District E

Board Member: Derek Rountree


Term Expires: 2027. First term began in 2024.

Board Assignments: VSBA Alternate, Montgomery County Educational Foundation 

Career: Technology Research and Development

Education: Louisiana State University, Virginia Tech 

Family: Wife Brandie Lemmon and two daughters

District F

Board Member: Laura Purcell, Vice-Chair


Term Expires: 2027. First term began in 2024.

Board Assignments: Montgomery County Educational Foundation, Board of Supervisors Liaison

Career: Instructor and academic advisor

Education: University of Maryland, Johns Hopkins, Virginia Tech

Family: Married with two children

District G

Board Member: Ed Gitre


Term Expires: 2027. First term began in 2024.

Board Assignments: Town of Blacksburg Liaison


