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Director of Equity and Diversity- Guylene Wood-Setzer
Phone: 540.382.5100 ext. 1029

Administrator of Equity and Compliance - Stacie H. Wright
Phone: 540.382.5100 ext. 1030

Administrative Assistant - Rhonda Reid


The Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Office of Equity and Diversity, led by Mrs. Wood-Setzer, demonstrates a clear commitment to fostering equitable learning environments. The mission is to ensure all students have fair access to resources, programs, and opportunities that support their success inside and outside the classroom. Supported by Mrs. Stacie Wright and other key stakeholders, the office’s collaborative approach includes:  

1. Professional Development: Designing training opportunities for staff and leaders to deepen awareness and advocacy for equity.  

2. Initiatives: Driving actions that aim to dismantle barriers and promote inclusion.  

3. System-wide Integration: Embedding equity and diversity into the culture and operations of every school and department.  

By prioritizing safe, valued, and resource-rich environments, MCPS demonstrates a commitment to equitable outcomes for its diverse student population. Would you like help with a specific aspect, such as drafting communication materials or designing related programs?


The Office of Equity and Diversity is dedicated to Engaging, Encouraging, and Empowering all stakeholders. We believe that strong relationships form the foundation of success for our school division, our schools, our students, and our community.

We invite you to join us in this vital conversation. Share your ideas and insights on how we can build an educational environment that nurtures the future: future employees, business owners, and community leaders.

Together, we can create equitable opportunities for every student to thrive and contribute to a better tomorrow.


MCPS Office of Equity and Diversity is committed to providing information and resources to students, families, and community members. All the resources published on this page, or in any article herein are for information only. Information on this site is not endorsed by Montgomery County Public Schools and/or the Office Of Equity and Diversity. Views expressed in any article are the authors' views individually and do not necessarily reflect the view of Montgomery County Public Schools and the Office Of Equity and Diversity.