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Research Requests

Conducting Research in Montgomery County

All research involving Montgomery County Public Schools, its students, or staff must receive prior approval from the MCPS Office of Grants and Innovation. Please contact Matt Dunleavy for assistance:

Matt Dunleavy, Ph.D.
Director of Grants, Innovation, and Partnerships
Montgomery County Public Schools
Office (540) 382-5100 Ext. 1015
Mobile (540) 808-5987

Due to our proximity to Radford University and Virginia Tech, MCPS receives numerous research requests every year. Our goal is to accommodate these requests whenever possible. However, ensuring the safety and well-being of our students and staff and protecting instructional time will always be our top priorities. I encourage prospective researchers to contact me during the early stages of their projects, so that I may offer guidance on developing a successful research request.

Please note:
1. MCPS does not distribute recruiting materials related to research studies.
2. Permission to conduct research must be obtained at the district level first, then from principals, teachers, parents, and students (in that order), as needed.
3. University HRPP/IRB approval does not constitute automatic approval to conduct research in MCPS.
4. The more time you allow for obtaining approval, the greater the likelihood that we will be able to help you complete your research on time.

Required Steps for Virginia Tech Researchers
MCPS and VT HRPP enjoy a long history of successful partnerships. Thank you to VT HRPP for collaboratively developing the following process for facilitating VT research proposals involving MCPS.

For research that does not require VT HRPP review (e.g., research for an undergraduate class assignment):
Please begin by reaching out to Matt Dunleavy, MCPS Director of Grants, Innovation, and Partnerships with Higher Education.

For research requiring VT HRPP approval:
1. Researcher submits IRB application to VT HRPP. 
2. Once/if approved, VT HRPP sends a "conditional approval" email to researchers and MCPS. This email states that the IRB application is conditionally approved, contingent upon receipt of an approval letter from MCPS.
3. Researcher sends MCPS (Matt Dunleavy) the conditionally approved IRB application and supporting documents.
4. Once/if MCPS approval is obtained, researcher submits the MCPS approval letter to the HRPP office.
5. VT HRPP issues an official approval letter, which indicates that research activities involving human subjects may begin.

As a Virginia Tech researcher, you have the opportunity to promote the University's values and standards while conducting business with MCPS administration, teachers, staff, students, and parents.