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Virginia Preschool Initiative

(4 year old Preschool Program and 3-year old Mixed Delivery) 

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2024-2025 Online Preschool Application

Download, Print and Apply!

2024-2025 Downloadable Paper Pencil Preschool Application (English Version) 

Formulario de preescolar 2024-2025 para rellenar en papel (Spanish Version)

2024-2025 Downloadable Paper Pencil Preschool Aplication (Arabic Version)

2024-2025 Downloadable Paper Pencil Preschool Application (Chinese Version)

2024-2025 Downloadable Paper Pencil Preschool Application (Farsi Version)

2024-2025 Downloadable Paper Pencil Preschool Application (Vietnamese Version)

Paper applications may be submitted to the elementary school in your district or mailed to:

Emily Altizer
Administrator of Literacy Programs and Preschool 
750 Imperial Street SE
Christiansburg, VA. 24073

Note: Applying for VPI Preschool is not the registration process. If you are accepted in the VPI program information will be provided on how to enroll/register at the school. 

The Virginia Preschool Initiative began in 1994 as a part of a program to improve educational achievement. This initiative serves at-risk four year-olds who are not being served by Head Start. Students must be four years old by September 30 in order to be eligible for the program.

Preschool programs are located in eight elementary schools in Montgomery County:

  • Auburn Elementary (two classrooms)

  • Belview Elementary 

  • Christiansburg Primary 

  • Eastern Montgomery Elementary (two classrooms) 

  • Falling Branch Elementary (two classrooms)

  • Margaret Beeks Elementary

  • Price's Fork Elementary (two classrooms) 

Each preschool classroom serves no more than 18 four year-olds with one teacher and one highly qualified aide providing a staff/child ratio of 9:1. Classes meet on all school days and students ride the school bus with other elementary students. Students must attend the preschool in the elementary school where they will attend kindergarten. Students who attend a school zone where no preschool is offered may be offered a placement at another school.

The Virginia Preschool Initiative emphasizes collaboration among the home, school and community to provide a quality program which fosters the development of the whole child. A safe, nurturing environment is provided at each location which promotes active exploration, curiosity, and an excitement for learning.

For further information, please contact: 

Emily Altizer - Administrator of Federal Programs, ESL, and Preschool
Phone (540) 382-5100, extension 1044

Lori Phillips - Administrative Assistant for Literace Programs
Phone (540) 382-5100, extension 1045