Federal Accountability
Under Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), schools are identified for support and improvement based on multiple performance indicators.
Academic Indicators:
- Academic Achievement--measured by pass rates on the Standards of Learning (SOL) and the Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP) reading and mathematics assessments
- Growth in reading and mathematics for elementary and middle schools
- Progress in English Learners (EL) gaining proficiency in English as measured by the Access for ELLs 2.0 English Language Proficiency assessment
- High school graduation rate which is measured by the Federal Graduation Indicator (FGI)
Indicators of School Quality or Student Success:
- Chronic absenteeism
- School Accreditation rating (State)
A school or division may meet the content area AMO in three ways: (1) by meeting the subject area benchmark in the most recent academic year, (2) by a three-year average of achievement in the subject area, or (3) by meeting safe harbor--having a 10 percent reduction in the subgroup's failure rate.
ESEA requires 95 percent of all students and within each subgroup to participate in State Reading and Mathematics testing at the state, division, and school levels. If less than 95 percent of the students in a subgroup or proficiency gap group are tested in a subject, that subgroup or proficiency gap group is considered to not have met the AMO, regardless of the pass rate in the subject.
In order to be considered for Federal Accountability, a subgroup or proficiency gap group in a school or division must include at least 30 students. If a subgroup or proficiency group has fewer than 10 students, the pass rate is not reported.